Magnetism is an irresistible force and when the energy channels are purified through the breath there is a “lightness of the body, brilliancy in complexion, increase of gastric fire, leanness of the body and absence of restlessness”

- Swami Sivananda

Breathwork is is an ancient tool that has been used for centuries to unlock the natural healing powers of the body, mind, and spirit. It is a transformative way to enter into the depths of the subconscious, release stuck and stagnant energy and tune back into intuition, creativity and wisdom and abundance. It is the most effective way to raise your vibrational frequency in order to create momentum in your life, connect you to your soul’s purpose and carry out your mission on this planet.

Breathwork opens the door to personal growth, awakening and expansion through improved mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

The breathwork sessions (live and guided) will help...

  • Reduce anxiety & depression
  • Elevate your mood & confidence
  • Alkalize your cells & release toxins
  • Improve digestion, immunity & metabolism
  • Eliminate unhealthy behaviors, habits & addictions
  • Connect to your higher self & truth
  • Learn who you truly are without your blocks
  • Boost happiness, self worth & self love
  • Increase presence and reshape your identity, purpose & desires
  • & so much more!

The Magnetically You Breathwork Membership offers a sacred space for collective healing, deep connection and profound transformation at the cellular level.

Each month, there will be a theme we will explore as a community, each varying in focus and intention. In addition you have access to at-home guided breathwork varying from 10 -30+ minutes, rituals, journal prompts and education that will enhance your knowledge and connection to yourself and the practice will last you a lifetime and heal you beyond them.


Upon joining the Portal you will receive my 7 day self paced challenge that includes...

  • Daily 20 minute guided breathwork practice exploring a new phase of my 7 step manifestation framework
  • Daily journaling and reflection prompts to enhance each step of the process and open you up to new levels of self-discovery, healing and abundance

The Investment in You